Hi, I'm Andrew. I am a professional guitarist and teacher with over 40 years experience nationally & internationally.This website is designed for you.
Keep updated with new arrangements, latest gigs & my latest online course, Music Reading for Guitarists. It includes heaps of video instruction, comprehensive text and musical examples & MP3 Play-A-Long tracks included.
You'll find some FREE arrangements & learning tools, a large range of Guitar Ensemble charts, some good music too.
Browse the store here.
A couple of useful links
Guitar Repairs Peter Walcott at www.Walcott Guitars Superb custom made instruments and quality repairs. Authorised Maton repairer.
Custom Pickup Winding Dave Leddin at Leddin Vintage Guitars. Dave is the Pickup Professor. He can custom wind pickups for you to meet your own, and his, exacting standards. Attention to detail, quality builds, vintage parts, wiring harnesses and a huge knowledge base makes Dave my 'go to' for information and advice on pickups.

New Video Guitar Course!!
'Music Reading for the Guitarist'
The Course Outline Read the full description here
The course is structured around 6 Sessions. Each Session contains the videos for that Session, the PDF files with text and music and mp3 backing tracks where they are required. There are over 9 hours of video instruction!!
Topics include:
2 Key Concepts. Open string note names and the Chromatic Scale, Note remembering Games, Rhythmic Notation,
Chord/Rhythm Slashes reading, Note Positions for G, A and B, Alternate Note Positions, Notes on the Lines and Spaces. Fingerboard Diagram, More Note Remembering Games, Eighth Note, Family Tree of Note Values, Rests, Tricky Rhythms, Chord slashes and a chord chart using some eighth note rhythms, Note Positions for D and E notes, Alternate Note Positions for D and E, Notes on the Lines and Spaces, The Nine Notes of Knowledge, The Octave, A Hard Rock Riff, A Rock ballad, More rhythm charts, Low Blues, Minuet in ¾ Time, A Surf Rock tune, Greensleeves, C Major Scale in 3 positions, Picking Drills, C Major melody in 3 positions, A Spanish-styled piece, Transposition, Chord Slashes, The Tie, Core Eighth Note Rhythms, Pop Progressions, Key Signature, G Major Scale, Syncopated Rhythm, The Key of Aminor, Flamenco Flourish, Motel Madrid, The A harmonic minor scale, Rest Stroke Picking, Chord Melody playing, Reading Double Stops, A Spanish-styled piece, More Pop Progressions, The Flat, Enharmonics, The Key of F, Key Signature Summary, 16th notes, Using words to sound out rhythms, 16th note strum, Pop progressions, the Funk Strum, 2/4 Time, Reading Music in 2 Parts, Syncopation, The Key of A Major, Malaguena, Dynamics, Tempo Modifiers, Articulations, All Major and Minor Scales, 6/8 Time Signature, Chord Recognition, Resource List, The Triplet, Family Tree of Note Values, House of the Rising Sun, The 'swing eighth note', 12 Bar Blues solo, More Chord Reading, The 'swing eighth' strum, jazzy chord chart, fingerstyle blues solo, D major pentatonic, pentatonic melodies, Pachabel's Canon in D, Technique, Chord melody, Style, Articulations, How to buy sheet music.
As you can see, we cover a lot of topics and materials but do it in small, bite sized chunks to avoid confusion.
Check out the course here.
Free guitar note chart available here!
If you are a guitar teacher or music educator you might have noticed the continued rise of the guitar's popularity. How do we involve so many guitarists in our school music program and give them the opportunity for music making with others?
Get them into a Guitar Ensemble!
After 35 years of teaching and 25 years of guitar ensemble directing and arranging, I have decided to make my arrangements available for purchase.
Each arrangement has been edited, planned and proofread to ensure enjoyment, accuracy, ease of playing and educational content. Some guitar teachers prefer to use TAB instead of standard music notation and I have included both versions for many of the arrangements.
These charts are delivered digitally as PDF files and each purchase includes mp3 files of the full ensemble recording and each separate part with either a click track or bass part for students to reference and practice with.
The arrangements are of varied skill levels and combinations and I have attempted to give a clear indication of the level required for each part.
Thanks for stopping by!